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Welcome to PC Literacy 

Learning to be comfortable with technologies can be advantageous in many ways, including improving communication, increasing efficiency, and opening up access to a wide range of information and resources. Some ways to become more comfortable with technologies include taking classes or online tutorials, practicing using different devices and applications, seeking help from tech-savvy friends or family members, and staying curious and open-minded. It is also important to remember that learning new things takes time, patience, and persistence, so don't be discouraged if it feels challenging at first.


Our Story

PC Literacy was started in the early '90s and was "taking the mystery out of personal computing".  I saw people getting passed by in the technology revolution and felt the need to help. I was lucky enough to have joined the US Navy and was honorably discharged before desktop computing really got started. Repairing aircraft simulators was my job in the service, and technical support turned into my career.  I have spent the last 40 years working in corporate software support.  Helping people better understand technology is my calling. I'd like to see that everyone who wants to gain confidence in their knowledge has that opportunity.  Whether in person or via a video chat, I will tell you everything I know if you give me enough time!

Our Services


Specific Application Support 

Do you have a spreadsheet you need or one to create, possibly to track spending or keep track of birthdays let's walk through Excel.  Which email provider do you use?  Want to gain some additional context?


Using Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is such a wonderful development!  It allows you to stay in touch, face to face!
We can help get more comfortable with the setup and use of meeting software like Zoom or Meet.

Smart Phones

How's your relationship with your phone?  Tell us what phone you have and your needs and we'll create a personalized session of you.


Online Banking and Bill Pay

Perhaps you are new to online banking or newly responsible for it.  In 2023,conducting your banking online is very easy, secure and rewarding. I can show you how to make the most of the tools available to you.


Social Media

With video conferencing, social media has helped people make new connections with friends and family. The ability to check in and see how everyone is doing and share your thoughts is a wonderful thing. 


Hardware Consulting 

What's actually in there?  Do you want to understand specific details about the hardware you use or how something works like disc's, memory, etc.



P.O Box 1234
Newton, NH 03858




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Let us know what you need help with and we will let you know if we can help.  

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